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Cait Capablanca



Ryerson University


Nursing School, NCLEX RN & PN

About, Cait Capablanca

Preparing for the NCLEX can be the most stressful part of your nursing journey. Book a private tutor session with me and I’ll work with you to turn that stress into knowledge. Every session with me is built around your learning styles and needs. I graduated from Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada in 2017 so the experience of writing the NCLEX is still fairly fresh in my memory, while having gained valuable experience in the clinical setting that drives my passion to teach. I have worked in ER and ICU for the last 5 years, receiving my Critical Care Nursing certificate in 2021. I look forward to sharing the tricks that I used when studying for the NCLEX as well as practical knowledge that I’ve gained throughout my career in ER and ICU. I love travelling, which led me to work abroad in Australia, rock climbing, and helping others succeed!


Ryerson University

  • BSN

Worked as a bedside nurse in

  • Intensive Care Unit

  • Emergency Room

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    Iris Blasco

    a year ago

    I learned a lot from Cait's small group classes. I had finished two classes ( Prioritization and Pharmacology Memory Tricks). Cait explains it where I can understand and remember what was being discussed. The class doesn't feel rushed.


    a year ago

    Cait, She has an Awesome way of explaining the subject matter, easily to memorize and understand well. I did enjoy her Tutor! Highly recommended!

    Paige Henderson

    a year ago

    Cait was great! She provided really awesome memory tricks that helped me master my pharmacology for the NCLEX! Definitely recommend booking her for NCLEX reviews!

    Sierra Morgan

    a year ago

    Just did a quick 2-hour review on multiple topics! It was a great refresher that was truly needed! She made thinking more simpler for me. Will definitely sign up for more classes. Thx Cait!

    Danielle Ludington

    a year ago

    Cait is SO wonderful, She breaks down things into more understanding. I can tell that Cait really cares and wants to help students. She is also very knowledgeable. After my first session with her I booked more!

    Giel Coilan

    2 years ago

    My first time joining the live lecture today. I've learned a lot. Thank you!

    Moyin Ogunbo

    2 years ago

    This is my first tome in Cait small group tutoring class and it was helpful and insightful.

    Jeminetu Aliu

    2 years ago

    Thank you Cait and to all your team of archerreview. You guys are amazing. i recommend this groups to any one preparing for their Nclex. Thanks All. From Jeminetu

    Athena Joseph

    2 years ago

    Idk how to contact Cait directly, but I signed up for her mock nclex a week before and nclex review pt 1 and 2 a day before taking it. finished qbank. passed in 85. She was patient and incredible! 100/10. - Athena Joseph BSN, RN

    Vivien AD

    2 years ago

    Cait’s small group ECG interpretation class was comprehensive, engaging, and highly informative. It greatly enhanced my understanding of interpreting cardiac rhythms. She provided practical tips and made it a valuable and time-efficient strategy for answering ECG-related questions.


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