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Jennifer Bonner



University of Arkansas


Nursing School, NCLEX RN & PN

About, Jennifer Bonner

I received my BSN from the University of Arkansas for Medical Science in Little Rock, my first MSN in Family Practice from the University of Cincinnati, in Ohio, my second MSN in Midwifery from Frontier Nursing University in Kentucky, then finally, my DNP from Frontier in 2019. I have had the opportunity to serve clients within several areas in the hopsital setting, ICU (neuro), Endoscopy, Postpartum, and Labor and Delivery. Once I graduated with my Midwifery degree, I served women in an OB/GYN clinic and enjoyed providing for their medical, physical, emotional, and educational needs. Throughout these experiences, I have enjoyed working with students as a preceptor or even as a shadowing experience. The opportunity to teach, and see those "ah ha" moments drew me towards education. Outside of the hospital and clinic setting I have experience teaching with both RN and LPN programs and enjoy helping students identify their preferred method of learning and helping them hone their areas of strength, while strengthening areas they are not as comfortable in.

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    Lynn Howard

    19 days ago

    Awesome! I enjoyed her style of teaching. Very easy to follow. Thank you for your help!

    Deonte Dance

    20 days ago

    Amazing. I definitely learned a thing or two from our session tonight. Definitely worth it.

    Olga Palavina

    20 days ago

    Prioritization webinar ! The class was organized and productive. I feel more confident after this tutoring. I would have booked an individual tutor with ms Jennifer, but unfortunately there are no available days! Thank you Ms. Jennifer!

    Pam Pam

    25 days ago


    Fari Iqbal

    2 months ago


    Olga Palavina

    4 months ago

    The goal was achieved with the help of Ms Jennifer!The information I needed was presented clearly with examples and feedback. In such cases I say: "The day was not lived in vain."

    Samayrah Shafique

    4 months ago

    Talking to Jennifer was very helpful, specially knowing the ways and technique used to answer questions and knowing my strengths and weaknesses based on my previous assessment exam and the topics to focus on.

    Ava Giamanco

    6 months ago

    Jennifer is the sweetest and so smart and helpful !! She really helped with my test anxiety and preparation :)

    Zion Lacy

    7 months ago


    Shayla Barber

    a year ago

    Jennifer one-on-one tutoring was amazing! She helped me work through areas I was struggling with and worked through questions together. 10/10 !!


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