tutor profile
verified tutor

Kavelin Rumalla



University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Medicine



About, Kavelin Rumalla

Dr. Rumalla has years of experience with professional tutoring and will go through practice questions step-by-step so you can understand the bigger picture, instead of focusing on distractors and trying to memorize material. Kavelin is a comprehensive and passionate instructor who strives to help students exceed their goal scores on the USMLE exams. During sessions, Kavelin illustrates a systematic approach to deciphering vignettes, selecting the correct answer, and learning from the material. Focused question bank review is of utmost importance. He shares tried and tested insights into exam preparation that have helped students increase their test scores. Now that the USMLE step 1 exam has become a pass/fail exam, Kavelin aims to help thousands of Step 1 students with his time-tested strategies. He is also an exceptional tutor for the USMLE Step 2 and Step 3 exams.


University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Medicine

  • 6 year BA/MD program

Barrow Neurological Institute

  • Department of Neurosurgery as Medical Doctor

Skills and Expertise

  • Neurosurgery

  • Applied Epidemiology

  • Administrative Data

  • Biostatistics

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