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Megan Miller



Waynesburg University


Nursing School, NCLEX RN & PN

About, Megan Miller

I have been a nurse since 2007 after obtaining my BSN right out of high school. I worked in pediatrics as a NICU staff nurse for many years before moving into emergency medicine. I found my passion for education in 2013 when I advanced my education with my MSN and most recently my DNP. I understand the pressures of nursing school while trying to manage a career and family. The stress of preparing and successfully taking the NCLEX is the most challenging part of your nursing career journey! I love helping students achieve their goals so let me help ease that stress and anxiety.

I enjoy reading, traveling, and spending time with my husband and 2 kids.

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    Tiemoko Sidibe

    19 days ago

    She is very kind and knowledgeable. She help me a lot and boost as well my confidence like always. I highly recommend.

    Rachelle Pilon

    20 days ago

    It was great learnt a lot. The only thing is I have major issues with tests and not having experience in certain fields. Wish I could get a bit more pointers.

    Purnima Regmi

    a month ago

    Thank you Megan for your Incredible Strategies to select the options!!! that was really helpful!

    Olga Palavina

    2 months ago

    Thanks for the opportunity to re-attend classes! It helps to memorize better and get more practice. Archer classes became my hobby! I enjoy. Especially when I have results. Thank you, Ms Megan, you are greate teacher!

    Olga Palavina

    2 months ago

    The class is structured rationally and comfortably. Another very important point for me, as a native speaker of a language other than English, is the clear pronunciation of all word endings. Thank you very much for this, Ms. Megan! I really like your classes and can confidently say; I graduated from nursing school only thanks to YOU!

    Kris Merchant

    2 months ago

    Very helpful review - thank you!

    Olga Palavina

    3 months ago

    Today was 2 hr NCLEX review. I'm glad I was part of this class. Ms Megan knows her job and she knows what students need. I did't pass exit test in a school because of peds. And right now I can say with confidence; I feel much better with pediatrics. Thank you ms Megan. You gave me hope and My knowladges on pediatrics became much better.

    Marline Jaboin Petit Frere

    3 months ago

    Hi Megan,you’re very knowledgeable and your teaching method is very simple and clear.Amezing job👏👏👏👏

    Rene Sierra

    3 months ago

    Veey accommodating.

    Eleanor Englaterra

    3 months ago

    She’s very knowledgeable and explained the common diseases among the 3 areas very simply . The topics were delivered systematically and just gave us the key points to remember


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