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Rachel Taylor



Missouri Valley College


Nursing School, NCLEX RN & PN

About, Rachel Taylor

My name is Rachel Taylor I have experience in intensive care nursing and have always had a passion for education. This led me to being an Academic Success Tutor for a BSN program. From my experience there I became very passionate about test taking skills and test anxiety, an area I see many students struggle with. I love helping students find different tools to be successful. I look forward to working with you!


Missouri Valley College

  • BSN

Nursing Educator

  • Specifically the test anxiety / strategy etc.

Worked as a bedside nurse in

  • Intensive Care Unit

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    Makinde Tosin Olaide

    12 days ago

    One of the best tutor in archer

    Armandeep Kaur

    2 months ago

    Hi, I had an amazing learning experience from prof Rachel. I had failed my nclex on my first attempt and I was so demotivated but prof Racheal motivated me and helped me in finding my Mistakes and provided me all the valuable information that was required to pass the exam. Today , I’m happy to share that I have passed my exam on my second attempt and it’s all because of prof Rachel. I want to say a big thank you to her. Because of her my dream of becoming an RN came true.

    Christopher Torado

    3 months ago

    Just wanted to say thank you to Rachel and everyone on Archer for all their help. While I didn’t tutor with them personally, I watched their on-demand videos and I was easily able to understand everything from her. On top of that, she helped give me the confidence boost to pass when I was at my lowest. Thank you!

    Abdi Dahir

    3 months ago

    A huge shoutout to Rachel for helping me achieve my goal of becoming an RN! I passed my NCLEX in just 85 questions! I had several one-on-one sessions with her, and I can honestly say they made all the difference. I truly appreciate how she took the time to explain concepts clearly and provided invaluable tips to help me study effectively and prepare for exam day. Her energy and personality are absolutely amazing! I highly recommend Rachel to anyone who struggles with test-taking or anxiety—she’s a game changer!

    Richa Pandey

    4 months ago


    Divya Nadukkara Kizha

    4 months ago

    One of the best tutor's in archer so energetic. Explains really well.

    Rubina Iqbal

    5 months ago

    Very helpful.

    Kelsi Davison

    6 months ago

    Thank you for listening to my brain go a million different ways. Thank you for explaining different things and giving me tips for how to proceed forward to being successful on passing my NCLEX-RN! Your energy and personality are top notch!

    Samickshya Shrestha

    6 months ago

    energetic, easy to understand

    Mariama Sbah

    6 months ago

    Wonderful turtor


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