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Rebecca Coulter



University of North Carolina - Wilmington


Nursing School

About, Rebecca Coulter

My name is Rebecca Coulter, and I have been a nurse specializing in ICU for almost 6 years. As a new graduate, I started in a Cardiovascular Surgical ICU, where I worked for 2.5 years before travel nursing. The learning curve was steep, but I am so thankful for the experience I gained, which provided a solid foundation in critical care to take with me as I traveled. Over the years, I have enjoyed caring for some of the most critically ill patients in the hospital, supporting and educating families and patients as they navigate their critical illnesses. I have settled in Bozeman, Montana, where I work as a preceptor and charge nurse in the ICU. I am passionate about training nurses new to the ICU, attempting to relay information in understandable and practical ways. There is nothing like seeing a difficult concept finally click for a nurse or nursing student, and I would love to help you get there, too!



  • Cardiovascular Surgical ICU

  • Cardiac Medical ICU

  • General ICU


  • Cardiovascular critical care knowledge

  • Cardiac assist device experience (Impella, ECMO, etc.).

  • Experience caring for respiratory failure, brain injury, shock, hemorrhage, etc.

  • Training and educating new graduate nurses new to critical care

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    Teresa Kombo

    4 months ago

    Ever since I started tutoring with Rebecca my level of understanding has grown tremendously. My grades have also improved significantly. I have gained confidence in myself . She goes above and beyond to make sure that one understands the concept.

    Teresa Kombo

    4 months ago

    I had a very informative and interactive session with Rebecca. She helped me understand the concepts that I was struggling with and gave me tips on how to go about studying. My confidence level has increased a lot and I would recommend her to anyone who is struggling with understanding medical surgical.

    Teresa Kombo

    4 months ago

    Excellent, as usual! I enjoy working with Rebecca because she explains concepts clearly and elaborates on the rationales for the answers. She is patient with me and kind.

    Teresa Kombo

    5 months ago

    Rebecca is an excellent tutor. I had a wonderful time discussing respiratory questions with her, and she assisted me with test-taking strategies and studying to retain materials. When I was beginning to enjoy the session, time was over! I feel more confident in the respiratory system and better than I was, and I look forward to booking another session with her when I need assistance.

    Teresa Kombo

    5 months ago

    I learned a lot; she refreshed my mind on A/P and some respiratory problems. We reviewed a few questions, which made me realize I needed more test strategy techniques. I have booked another session with her tomorrow to learn more and review more questions. Thanks.

    Neama Ismail

    5 months ago

    Excellent tutor as usual. Thanks for your patience with me. Today I learned new materials that I did not understand before. Thanks again


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