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verified tutor

Lauren Korth



Idaho State


Nursing School, NCLEX RN & PN

About, Lauren Korth

I am a surgical nurse working part-time in the operating room at St Luke’s Magic Valley Medical Center. I am ACLS and BLS trained and certified as an OR nurse (CNOR). I have been teaching a lot of NCLEX test takers for quite a long time. My students love my ability to break down complex concepts into simple blocks, which makes them understand easily. I like to teach students by bringing them real-life experiences so that it becomes easy to remember. I would love to talk to you and help you clear the NCLEX with ease.

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    Rita Liriano

    a year ago

    I love how she explain things, and give out good test strategies.

    Emelito Patricio

    a year ago

    Lauren provided me with 12 small group tutorial sessions in preparation for NCLEX. Her keen knowledge and medical expertise help me to grasp complex medical terms, diagnosis and treatments . When I was in doubt she always entertained my questions with sound rational. Her way of instruction helped make complex subjects more understandable. I would highly recommend Lauren for anyone preparing for NCLEX. Her instruction helped me successfully pass NCLEX on the first attempt. I will be forever grateful to Lauren. Sincerely, E. Patricio

    Corinne Kach

    a year ago

    I have had Lauren several times for tutoring and she is the absolute best. Explains everything perfectly and takes her time as well. I am so glad I found her and will continue to use her study groups to help me pass the nclex!

    Tamika Miller

    a year ago


    Melanie Curilan

    a year ago

    She's an amazing tutor, direct to the point explaining well and teaching how to break the question to understand well. Thank you very much Lauren Korth

    Rose Gitenya

    a year ago

    She was fully informed and answered questions as requested. I enjoyed her tutoring

    Adenike Ishola

    a year ago

    Lauren is one the best tutor I really have a good time with her teach in just a few hour she breaks everything down to my understanding thank you ma’am am booking again

    Von Mark Lacanilao

    a year ago

    Great reviewer! straight to the point

    Christy Amodu

    a year ago

    She is a great teacher and explains everything very well. I enjoyed her teaching. Highly recommended. Love her class

    Chisom Chukwulaka

    a year ago

    Lauren is a fantastic tutor. The small group NCLEX review content was well explained. Thank you.


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