
Success Stories: NCLEX Journey with Archer Review

Delve into our treasure trove of inspiring testimonials from successful NCLEX students. Witness firsthand how Archer Review's bespoke exam preparation tools and resources have transformed their NCLEX journey, powering them to achieve their career dreams.

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See what our students are saying



Gabriela Redondo

a year ago

Archer was a perfect set of questions and looked very similar to the NCLEX. I passed first attempt with 150 questions and definitely recommend Archer!

Amber Coles

a year ago

Passed NCLEX-RN first attempt, 150 questions! Archer daily for about 3 weeks straight helped so much! Readiness exams, CAT exams, and regular practice questions were great to prepare the mind.

Michael Amelordzi

a year ago

Thanks to you Archer nclex review, felt super confident on my examination day. I passed at 85.

Mary Seraspi

a year ago

Thank you so much Archer Review. I'm a second taker and passed the NCLEX-RN Exam at 85 questions.

Julynne Jarin

a year ago

I'm grateful to Archer for helping me ace the NCLEX. I am better prepared and more assured when taking the test since I used your questionbanks. I finished at question 85. Many thanks and continued su...See More

Rejie Medrano

a year ago

I am so delightful to say that I passed the NCLEX in 85 questions. Archer helped me in a lot ways but mostly by boosting my confidence in answering questions because the practice tests are like the ac...See More

Kimberly Aguinaldo

a year ago

Thank you so much Archer for preparing me for NCLEX-RN. Archer boosted my confidence and I stopped at 85 questions. Their Qbank is up-to-date and covers the entirety of my exam. Knowing and understand...See More

Tanya Sedgwick

a year ago

Tanya Sedgwick-Yates I passed my Nclex on the first attempt. I would highly recommended Archer. I know when you look at the length of the videos you may think no way, but trust me it's worth it.

Frances Bate

a year ago

Happy to report that I passed my NCLEX on my first attempt. I'm happy I chose Archer to help me study for the biggest test of my nursing student career!!

Sophia Girolami

a year ago

I passed my NCLEX-RN on my first attempt in 150 questions! Archer made me feel very prepared and ready for this exam in less than 30 days!

Lachae Ray

a year ago

Thank you Archer! I passed the NGN NCLEX in 85 questions on my first attempt. The program was easy to navigate, and aided in my confidence during the exam. Thank you again.

Katie Walker

a year ago

I am relieved and excited to announce that I passed my NCLEX NGN on my first attempt in 85 questions. Studying for this exam can be incredibly stressful, but I genuinely felt prepared after watching t...See More

Paulette Reyes

a year ago

Thank you, Archer! I passed NCLEX NGN at 85 questions, first attempt!

cesar maderazo

a year ago

I decided to purchased the archer on the first week of September. I just have twice or thrice reviewing the recorded lecture and questionnaires. I don't have time to study due to my work schedule, unt...See More

Erika Coons

a year ago

Passed my boards in 85 questions. Thank you Archer!