
NextGen Questions

Mastering each question type you'll encounter on exam day is a must. With our Qbank boasting over 900 Next Generation-style NCLEX questions at no extra cost, you'll effortlessly breeze through them when it's time for the actual test. Prepare smarter, and conquer confidently!


NextGen Questions

New question types in the Next Generation NCLEX might seem overwhelming, but let's simplify it! Dive into Archer's Qbank, loaded with hundreds of each new item type for extensive practice. Here's a glimpse of what you'll encounter:

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NGN Questions



NGN Questions


How Many NGN Questions Do We Offer?

Discover our extensive collection of 900+ RN & 500+ PN NGN (New gen NCLEX) questions, meticulously designed to provide the best user experience and simulate the feeling of a real exam. Get ready to tackle your NCLEX preparation with confidence!

  • Drag & Drop
  • Drop Down
  • Multiple Choice
  • Multiple Response & Trend
  • Highlight
  • Bowtie
Drag & Drop Cloze

Drag & Drop Cloze

In a drag-and-drop cloze question, you will rearrange elements or answers by dragging and placing them into the correct order or locations within a sentence or a passage. There will be between 4 and 10 items for you to drag and drop.

Scoring Rule :


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Drag & Drop Rationale

Drag & Drop Rationale

For the Drag & Drop Rationale item, you'll encounter sentences presenting one cause and one or two effects. Your task? Drag and drop the correct cause and effect(s) onto the sentence.

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Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice

In a multiple-choice question, you can pick just one answer—no more, no less! Remember, if you change your selection by clicking on another answer, your choice will switch to the new one.

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Matrix Multiple Choice

Matrix Multiple Choice

In a matrix multiple response, you'll have a grid—a matrix—where you'll pick just ONE option in each row. Don't skip any—each row must have an item selected. There will be at least 4 rows, and there could be up to 10. And remember, you can't move on until you've responded to every row.

Scoring Rule :


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Matrix Multiple Response

Matrix Multiple Response

In a matrix multiple response, brace yourself for a matrix where some rows might have multiple correct answers. Every column must have at least one response selected but can have multiple responses selected if appropriate. You'll spot between 2 and 10 columns and 4 to 7 rows. Ensure each column has at least one response option selected before moving on!

Scoring Rule :


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Multiple Response - Select All That Apply

Multiple Response - Select All That Apply

Multiple Response - Select All That Apply items are like the SATA questions you're familiar with, but with more options and a chance for partial credit. You can choose as many or as few responses as you please. There might be just one correct answer, several, or even all options could be correct! Look for at least 5 options, but at most 10.

Scoring Rule :


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Multiple Response Select N

Multiple Response Select N

In a Multiple Response - Select N item, a specific number of responses is mentioned in the question. That number is exactly how many responses you'll need to choose—no more, no less!

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Multiple Response Grouping

Multiple Response Grouping

In a multiple response grouping item, you'll encounter sets of items grouped together. Your task is to select which responses apply to each group. Expect at least 2 and up to 5 groupings, each containing 2-4 options. Remember, you must pick at least one option from each grouping, but you can choose more!

Scoring Rule :


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You'll be tested on how things change over time in a trend NGN item. Look at nurses' notes, lab values, vital signs, progress notes, medications, or other info. Any of the NGN item types can be used!

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Highlight Text

Highlight Text

In a highlight text item, you will be presented with a paragraph and asked to pick out the important bits of information from the text. As you move your mouse over the text, the options will appear highlighted. You can select up to 10 options and change your selections until you're satisfied with your choices.

Scoring Rule :


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Highlight Table

Highlight Table

In a highlight text item, you'll see a table. Move your mouse over the various items and pick out the crucial parts from the table. You will be able to choose anywhere from 1 to 10 options and can select and unselect options until you're confident you've got the right combination.

Scoring Rule :


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Imagine a bowtie question like a drag-and-drop puzzle. Inside, you'll see 5 spots for 5 correct answers. Your mission? Drag and drop: the correct client condition in the middle, two actions to take on the left side, and two parameters to monitor on the right side.

Scoring Rule :


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Scoring Rules

Different types of questions follow different scoring rules. Click here to learn about them all!


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Frequently Asked Questions

Need Answers? Find them here...

What are NextGen NCLEX questions?

These are new questions in the NCLEX exam starting in April 2023, designed to assess clinical judgment and decision-making skills.

How many NextGen NCLEX questions does Archer Review offer?

Over 2,900 for NCLEX-RN and 1,500 for NCLEX-PN.

What types of questions are included?

Ǫuestion types include drag-and-drop, multiple choice, dropdown, and trend analysis.

Are partial credits available for some questions?

Certain items like "Select All That Apply" offer partial credit.

What is a Bowtie question?

It’s a drag-and-drop puzzle where you identify a condition, two actions, and two parameters to monitor.

How does scoring work for NextGen questions?

Scoring varies with 0/1, rationale scoring, and +/- methods depending on the item type.

What is the matrix multiple-response question format?

Each row may have multiple correct answers in this format, requiring careful selection for each.

Do Archer Review’s NextGen questions include rationale explanations?

Yes, rationales for correct and incorrect answers are provided for better learning.

Are there practice questions for trending data?

Yes, questions are designed to interpret data using vital signs, labs, and nurse notes over time.

Is there a trial available for Archer Review’s NCLEX Q-Bank?

You can get the RN demo here and the PN demo here. For more details, visit Archer Review.