
Short Videos

Pressed for time or focused on a specific subject? No sweat! Skip the full lectures—we've sliced them into bite-sized topic videos for instant access to the exact content you need. Get what you want right when you need it!

Subject Specific

Subject Specific

Need a quick refresher on a specific subject? Perhaps you noticed a low score on potassium questions but didn't have time for that lengthy fluid and electrolyte lecture?? No worries! The topic videos grant you instant access to exactly what you need, when you need it. Just 10 minutes on only potassium? We've got you covered!
Fast Learning

Fast Learning

Let's be honest—squeezing in a full-length lecture isn't always feasible. Our short videos are your time-saving heroes—topics are divided into 5-15 minute chunks for on-the-go, fast-paced learning. Perfect for fitting into your real-life schedule with kids, work, school, and more!
Bite-sized learning

Bite-sized learning

Take it step by step with shorter lectures split into bite-sized chunks. Dividing lecture videos into smaller parts helps you retain information more effectively.

How it Works?

Our detailed review courses are divided by topic into shorter, focused videos for your study ease. Instead of one long video on cardiac, view each topic, such as Endocarditis, Dysrhythmias, and Heart Failure, separately in 5-15 minute videos. Pause and take breaks between each separate topic—it's more manageable!


Video functions

Feel free to control the video as you wish—pause, fast-forward, rewind, or skip to the next section. The bottom scroll bar indicates your progress, and the highlighted videos on the right display what you've completed and what's up next. You can also adjust the playback speed and turn on closed captions. It's all in your hands!

Benefits of Short Videos

Short lectures aren't just enjoyable; they're seriously helpful! Read on to explore the numerous advantages they bring

Short Videos Boost Focus

Short videos keep your focus sharp, preventing overload by being easier to digest. They improve memory by breaking info into manageable chunks and fit into busy schedules for quick reviews or study sessions, giving you flexible learning options.


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